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Bringing a Puppy or Kitten Home Requires Preparation

When you have made the decision to add a puppy or kitten to your family, you will need to make sure your home and your family is prepared. The first thing to remember is that this is a baby, and like all babies, there are rules that you need to abide by.


Taking your new addition to your Vet is a first step to ensure that the animal is healthy and doesn’t have any problems. Puppy and kitty shots as well as registration is highly suggested. Certain breeds of dogs carry with them the tendency for specific physical ailments and your Vet can check to make sure they are ok.


Get a collar with a bell. This is a high priority as these little critters can get under feet rather easily. Vets report more injuries due to being stepped on by humans and a bell can help to alert you and the rest of the family of their presence.


Feed your new puppy or kitten only the puppy or kitten food. Any adult and human foods can not only cause them problems, but can be lethal to them. Consult with your Vet as to the best food and brand as not all food at the big box stores is the best.


Puppy or kitten proof your home: Treat them in the same way that you would if you had a human child around. Remove plants from the floor, get rid of any exposed electrical cords, and do not have small objects in their reach that they can chew, swallow or be poisoned with.


Learn the list of foods that are toxic for dogs and cats. Things that we might find common such as raisins, grapes, chocolate and certain nuts can kill a dog or cat and will be more than toxic for your new baby. The ASPCA has a complete list online and this will help to make sure that you are aware so that nothing drops on the floor when you are eating or cooking.


Puppies and kittens can dehydrate in less than 24 hours. If they are exhibiting any signs that are out of the ordinary, take your puppy or kitten to the Vet immediately. Dehydration can kill your little one and a Vet can assist in diagnosing as well as a rehydration process. 





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